Thank you for visiting our website! This site was designed to provide you with relevant, useful information on the operations of the Auditor's office. Our goal is to provide information and services as efficiently and accurately as possible, in ways that are relatable and accessible. I welcome any feedback you can provide for its improvement to serve you better.
Again, thank you. It is my honor and pleasure to serve as your Auditor!
Conni McChesney
Morrow County Auditor
Important Tax Announcement!
The tax bills will were mailed on Friday, January 31, 2025. Because of the delay, the new due date for real estate taxes is February 21, 2025. Your patience is appreciated.
Conni McChesney Chief Financial Officer & Chief Assessor
The Morrow County Data is property of Morrow County, Ohio. This data has been derived from public records that are constantly undergoing change and is not warranted for content or accuracy. Morrow County cannot be held liable for errors or omissions in the data
In 2024, the Morrow County Budget Commission will meet monthly on the second Monday and as needed on the fourth Monday, except per ORC in February and August on the First Monday of the month, at 1:00 pm in the Morrow County Auditor’s Office located at 48 East High Street, Room 7, Mount Gilead, OH 43338
All Special Meetings will be advertised 24 hours in advance by posted public notice at and/or
In 2024, the office of the Board of Revisions shall be open every day from eight thirty (8:30) a.m. to four (4) p.m., Saturday, Sundays and legal holidays excluded.
The Board shall consist of the Auditor, Treasurer, and a member of the Board of County Commissioners selected by the Board of County Commissioners or their statutorily appointed designees.
The Board shall be in continuous session and open for the transaction of business during the business hours herein provided.
All sessions shall be open to the public and sessions of the Board shall stand and be adjourned without further notice thereof on its record.